How do you set auto-replies in FM Whatsapp?

Auto reply in fm whatsapp

FM WhatsApp is the most usable chatting app in the world. It provides various features, such as theme customization, anti-delete messages, and many others. Auto-reply is also one of the most famous features of FM WhatsApp, making it easy for people to reply to messages while they are offline.

The main goal of auto-reply is to take the user experience to the next level with its features. Here, you will learn how to set auto-reply in FM Whatsapp and make it easy to save time. The auto-reply feature sends a reply automatically if you are offline.

Why Use Auto-reply In FM WhatsApp

Auto-reply is the best way to inform people when you are unavailable, busy, or unable to do it manually. Auto-reply sends a response automatically. It is mostly used for frequently asked questions or to confirm the reception of the message. Auto-reply will let people know when they will get the automatic reply and help to avoid misunderstandings.

You can use Auto-reply for marketing purposes, such as promoting your products or services. You can set up automatic messages that provide information or links about your products. There are many other reasons why you should use auto-reply in FM Whatsapp, But you can use it to manage your communication more efficiently and effectively.

How To Set Auto Reply In FM Whatsapp?

Here is a complete instruction on how to set auto reply in FM Whatsapp, Just follow the following steps.

  • Open your FM Whatsapp, and click on the three dots at the top of the right.
  • Click on Auto-reply.
  • Next, click on the “+” icon on the right side of the bottom.
  • Make rules that are in your interest, and click on the right-mark icon at the right of the bottom.
  • Great, You have done it.


Automatic reply allows users to set an automatic message, and FM Whatsapp will send it to their loved ones or customers when they are unable to do it manually.

You can create auto-reply as per your interest, but most people use it, “Thanks for contacting us we will reach you as soon as possible.” But it all depends on how you want to add it.

Yes, you can put Auto-reply in the text.

Yes, you can use it on your Android phone. Before, people used third-party apps for auto-reply, but now the developer has added it to FM Whatsapp.


An auto-reply is an automatic message that can be sent when you are unavailable or busy. You can set it up if it is in your interest. Before, people used third-party apps for auto-replies, but now the developer has added it to FM Whatsapp. It informs people when you are offline or unavailable. You can use it for marketing purposes, like automatically sending information about your products or links to the products. Futo-reply makes your communication effective and helps avoid misunderstandings.